Posted in Quality of Life

Just a random day off

A couple of weeks ago, when I realized what a hectic fall schedule I managed for myself, I was looking through my work calendar and saw that this Friday was empty. I immediately booked it and put vacation into the system.

This morning there was no alarm and the work phone is turned off. When I woke up and crawled into my new favorite pants, I love them so much and are totally gonna live in them this weekend, and settled down with my todo list .

The list includes fun stuff like paying for the new kitchen, booking trains for the fall trips to Gotham and packing stuff for Sundays flee market. 

I managed most of the list before lunch, including picking up the race shirt and chip for tomorrow night’s 10k.

Since I was out and about, I splashed on a lunch on the town, healthy salad 🙂 and of course dessert.

All this while listening through Brittney Spears new album because all over the Internet it says that it’s super fab and her best ever. With the risk of stepping on someone’s toes, I don’t see what the fuss is all about and her old stuff is so much better, this was just boring. That’s just me though.

Hope you aren’t working too hard ma peeps, I’m gonna finish my Frapino before enjoying the rest of my day off, it’s only noon after all.

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