Posted in Life In General

#1 2018 Happy Poo Year

I really want to post at least one post a day this year…I really do. I’m pretty sure it wont happen because when ever I feel down I don’t.

Right now I’m crying a lot, not because I’m sad, it’s because I’m depressed. It’s hard for me to accept that I don’t have control of me.

I miss the person I used to be, the Pit Bull, the Duracell Bunny, the one that never stopped. I’m not that person anymore and I think if there’s even close to a New Years promise that I need to make, it is to accept that she isn’t here anymore.

It’s not easy, to realise that you changed so much that the one thing you loved about yourself is gone.

I had a pretty fab Christmas, because I have people around me that give a shit. I had a good New Years because I have people around me that think I walk on water. I still cried myself through it.

I aimed for 2018 being where I got my shit together, my shrink told me I should allow myself December at 80% and then I go for it. Not sure I have it in me, all I want to do is go to bed and stay there. Still, my alarm will go off tomorrow and I will go to work and pretend I like it.

I think I’ve reached the point where I’m not sure how to fix it. I spent my fall seeing a shrink and he told me I’m good. I’m feeling that he didn’t have the capability to make me talk.

I need to fix this though, any ideas?


Posted in Quality of Life

All spa’ed out…

Yesterday morning started with the intention of morning yoga, it was too nice to turn of the alarm and go back to sleep so instead it started with a hotel brekkie in a nice setting.


Then we hit the saunas and pools before I had my hot stone massage, a fantastic invention (as long as it’s not done in Thailand that is, a painful experience I tell you).

After the massage I walked around a bit and took some pictures for you guys…

Before leaving the Spa we enjoyed a salad (felt like the healthy option after all the saunas).

Then of course we were early to the train station, it’s either that or last-minute, so mother dearest was kind enough to have a cup of coffee with me while waiting.

For someone who spend so much time on trains as I do, it’s easy to sit down, put the music on and get your head into a book or computer. Sometimes it’s good to look up and out to be reminded of what a beautiful country I live in (the window of the train was kind of dirty though).

I had ideas about what to do when I got home, instead I hit the couch and pretty much stayed there all afternoon and evening…thus this post is written today rather than yesterday.

Posted in Italy 2017

Finally away

This trip to Rome have been planned for some time, finally it was take off day…and what a day.

There’s quite some difference between travelling by yourself and with a sister and two little people. By the time we taken the train to the airport, gone through security and bought candy for the little people I needed this more than anything.

The flight over was bumpy on the way up and down, in-between it wasn’t as bumpy as the last flights I’ve had over the past few weeks. The sunset we had was to die for, not that easy to capture in a picture though.

After a little muddle with the hotel pick-up we finally arrived at the hotel around eightish. Do you know how tired little people are at that time after such a day? Luckily the receptionist recommended a restaurant about 3 minutes walk from the hotel.

Italian food taste soooo much better in Italy than it do at home…

To die for!!!! If you ever are in Rome I can recommend this place. It’s called Campana, located on a street with the same name.

Now it’s ten pm and the little people are heading to bed wich mean that we so called grownups are doing the same…

Peace out ma peeps.

Posted in 7 Things, Life In General

Oh well

Pretty much the first sentence I wrote last week was for me to remember it’s not a sprint but more like a marathon.

I didn’t manage to eat the frog yesterday, or post something on the blog. Since 2010 and what went down then, a story I should probably share at some point, a small thing like yesterday and not reaching my goal for the day will pull me down completely.

To add to that I’m also on the last week of the magical chart of pills and that totally affect my mood. Still, I posted my positive thought of the day;

And even if I didn’t eat the frog I still brought my coffee as well as I did my job. I tried to be social in the evening, it just didn’t work and my couch once again became my best friend.

Today was a lovely morning, still sticking to the bring along coffee.

Had my positive thought.

And obviously updating the blog. And by the way, I also ate that damn frog today!!

In a couple of hours I’ll be at my mum’s, having the day off work tomorrow to accompany my grandmother to her little brothers funeral. I see it as quality time with grandma and mother dearest, what else can I do?

Posted in Branäs 2017

Away with the family 

For the second year we are away on the yearly family ski trip. Two aunties, two uncles, three cousins, a sister, a brother-in-law, two nieces and a mother. 

We just finished brekkie and now the chaos of when all of the above need to get ready for the slopes, has begun. 

Posted in Exercise, Life In General, Riding My Bike

Five years of biking Tjejvättern

It started like a crazy idea back in 2012 that I somehow managed to get my mother and aunty to join in on.


In 2013 me and my sister used it to collect money for research into the weird disease my dad managed to get, my mother, aunty and her friend also joined.

2013 ligger på bloggen

When 2014 arrived, me and my mother decided to bike once again, however we also decided it was to be the last time. Problem was that we crossed the finish line and saw a special five-year medal. We also realized that we where more than half way there.


Thus we went again in 2015. None of us wanted to do it, none of us were in the mood which might explain our best time to date.2015

Then 2016 arrived and my body hated me, still there was no doubt that I was gonna finish the damn thing, it was the fifth year and that five-year medal loomed ahead. It was horrible, very part of my body ached in a way it never had before. Still, I made it and my sister with family was at the finish line to cheer us on.dsc_0428.jpg

We went for dinner, where I had myself a yum beer. And trust me, that hamburger tasted much better than it looked.

Then we went back to the summer-house, and as we arrived I received a second medal from my nieces;dsc_0434.jpg

This bike is now on the key for my bike and I really hope I can manage to not lose it as it is a fantastic memory of the fifth and hopefully final race. I now my mother wants to do it again next year, and it’s only five more times to that ten-year medal. And to be honest, the body doesn’t hurt that bad anymore…we’ll see…


Posted in Sweden, Travels

Be careful what you wish for

Yesterday I was wishing every day was hotel brekkie day…I then arrived to the airport to find out that my flight was almost two hours late departing. This meant that I missed my connection in Stockholm and got stuck there. What do you do when stuck in an airport?


As my mother was supposed to meet me on the other side we where texting back and forth as I was totally down about realizing that I would be stuck I. Stockholm for the night and wake up to, yup that’s right, another hotel brekkie until she reminded me that crazy aunty godmother lives in the capital.


Can’t say it was easy to get hold of the capital family, as I sat down on the plane they finally got back to me and offered to pick me up at the airport, awesome!!
Arriving in Stockholm wasn’t as efficient as I hoped for though, we where all sent to a servicedesk with one person working, very slowly that is, to be re-booked for the morning flight, so I thought. After waiting in line for over 30 minutes I was informed that the lady couldn’t check me in as my next flight was with another company. Turned out we had all been re-booked already and the que was for check-in, hotel and money vouchers…information guys???


Poor uncle was sitting in his car outside waiting during this debacle. Trust me SAS will hear about it, I’m in a complaining kind of mood.
Felt so much better when I got to the family though, bunny cuddle and good beer and family time is sooooo much better than hotel brekkie!



After keeping my poor cousin up until twoish (I kidnapped her phone) I didn’t get much sleep before the taxi came picked me up this morning. Way to early it appears as the taxi app expected an hours drive that only took 25 minutes. Well it gave me time to spend my fantabolus vouchers…


Let’s just hope that my flight departs as it should so I can enjoy this Friday off properly.

Posted in Trains

Wow, I’m just soo awesome…


I left you at easter and I’ve had so much fun since, trips to Stockholm with the sister, the summerhouse and all other random activities. I intended to blog about them, I really did! I just never got around to it.

I also started a new job, whoop, whoop! No more temping and short term extensions as I now have a permanent job – feels absolutely fab! I will miss me colleagues from the past two and a half years. With pressies like this;


I just miss them even more!!!

Sitting yet again on the train to Gotham.


Have a packed weekend infront of me, let’s see if I can get back into this blogging thing as I miss all your likes, attention needy as I am 🙂

Posted in Stöten 2016, Thailand 2016


All things come to an end, so also this weekend. After another chaos brekkie we all packed up and got into our vehicles for the roadtrip home leaving our home for the weekend.






We didn’t quite manage to get rid of the family though as when we stopped for our pre lunch gas top-up we ran into the side of the family heading towards the capital. So we had lunch with them, me got a mountain of nachos.



Enjoying the Swedish landscape by day I tried to capture it’s beauty through the car window.





When it was time again for a stop, toilet, coffee and candy, we ran into the other half of the family heading towards Gotham as us. Of all the gas stations along the way it’s kind of funny that we stop at the same.



Once home, I had the pleasure of repacking my bag as there’s no reason to bring the winter clothes to Thailand. Though job but someone gotta do it!

Posted in Stöten 2016

Another day in the slopes

This morning we were sixteen people for brekkie as my sister with family arrived late the night before.


And the ski rental place was as crazy as the day before, this time for me as a caved under the peer pressure to go skiing.


I did two small test runs at the bottom of the slope before heading up.


I made it down without falling over and hurting myself. After that I had enough, skiing isn’t really my thing. So I headed for lunch instead.




I then spent the afternoon with my nieces before afterskii which I earned this day.


I ended up having two of them as I accidentally volunteered to wait for my brother-in-law and cousin that was out snowboarding and was late coming back. I ended up having to wait for quite some time as they accidentally went off-pist of the off-pist. They were semi happy when they got back and we had to head to our dinner plans straight away. Luckily enough there was a fireplace.





After a nice dinner we headed home to watch the final of the Melodifestivalen (Swedish competition to decide who we send to the Eurovision) with the required snacks, discussions about outfits and if the correct song won.




Then we pretty much crashed into bed, fresh air is tiring. The view from our balcony is pretty awesome at night as well.


Posted in Stöten 2016

A day in the slopes

Even when you aren’t staying in a hotel there can be hotel-like brekkie.



After a chill, relaxing breakfast all hell broke out as 10 grown-ups and one child were to prepare for the slopes. What did I get myself in to? I swear they were all sweating from the effort and some looked more like bank robbers than of to the slope.



We finally made it and then the process started all over again when it was time for the ski rental place, oh dear what a chaos. It was nice to be a bystander as I opted out of skiing. Instead I spent the day just chillin, taking pictures and getting some real nice laughs when people fell over.



I also got to hang with the little desert kid that needed to learn to snow, born and raised in Dubai this was a new for her.


We enjoyed some real quality lunch, fantastic hamburgers I promise.



Before skiing some more and then hitting the afterskii, only reason I joined.






Back home we ordered pizza for everyone, drank some celebratory champagne (why will be a later story) and just enjoyed each others company. It’s not often the whole family is togheter like this.




It ended up being a quite early night, even I was dead tired from all the fresh air, my body isn’t used to being outside all day.

Posted in Birthday Season

And thus, the birthday season has begun

Another weekend in Gotham has passed, this time to kick off the birthday season. A tid bit earlier than usual due to sister with familys vacation plans. I’m not the one complaining as I love quality time with the family.
Saturday started with shopping for the party with sister, that was done without children, husband and mother – quality time for us!
We started with the important stuff, the beer;


You can’t see from this angle, however there are some non-alcoholic stuff in there as well.
When the grocery shopping was done I went home with sister and enjoyed some chill time with her kids as they showed of their dance skills for a few hours.
The food of choice was tacos and the same chocolate cake that we eat every year.





And since I was taking pictures of the food, the girls wanted to do the same;



And then to one of the best part of bday season, the pressies. I received some really amazing gifts this year, like this absolutely beautiful painting of the Öresund bridge. A bridge that I spent years commuting over as it tie togheter Malmö and København. Having a plastic auntie that can paint is da shit!


I Als received tickets to part two of the Swedish competition that will give us this year’s winner for the Eurovision, Melodifestivalen. This coming weekend I will have my mother visiting and the show will be in Malmö…awesome!!!
There are also books, a cool mood notebook, new lunch boxes (in glass, so fab) and a new wallet. I’m more than happy 🙂
The evening ended with just the family infront of the telly watching this week’s Melodifestivalen.


Birthday season couldn’t have started better.

Posted in Sweden, Trains

Monday morning

Enjoying a way to early train this morning as I’m heading south from Gotham city. The new year has brought new time tables for my trains and my 8:25 train is no longer. So for me to be at work in a reasonable time I now have to take a 7:40 train! Crazy! It’s worth it to get Sunday evening on mummy’s couch.
It’s not that long since I arrived home from Gotham (last Saturday after almost a week and a half at home for Christmas and New years) however my sister had to squeeze out a child in the beginning of the year five years ago, so I had to go home again this weekend for birthday celebration.
It wasn’t that horrible since my present this year was a movie visit. Me and my adorable youngest niece (that has her aunty wrapped around her little finger (so does the adorable oldest niece as well)) had some time just the two of us watching The Good Dinosaur and eating loads of snacks.


She was also sweet enough to want to bring some home for her older sister. And I was forgiven for not bringing a present that she could open as there where others, her grandmothers and great grandmother).
Sunday brought Christmas present time, as me and my sister got a spa day for our mother and I got the same thing from my sister under the Christmas tree. We started with brunch;




Before hanging out in saunas with different aromas, the citrus tea sauna did wonders for my cold, different pools, a dark therapy room and then a light therapy room. An afternoon passes quickly at this place;



I really hope that we can do it again soon!
Now time for my train brekkie and a nap time before throwing me into what is looking to be a crazy day at work.


Posted in Trains

Returning home, as you do

Even the fantastic celebrating-the-brother-in-law weekend had to end. After a fab party with a family lunch with yum food and a nice evening with his friends (and a pressie that I picked up while in Germany);




I was stuck with babysitting duty on the Sunday. So I had to play with playdoh when my sister and hubby went to clean up after the party, I feel that I might have gotten the better end of that deal.



The day went quickly and all of the sudden it was time to jump on the train to take me home, overloaded with leftover food from the party. Another score for me.

Now I don’t have any plans of returning to Gotham City until September, so there should be a while before the next train post. Unless I head to the summerhouse sometime in August, time will tell.