Posted in Sweden, Trains


This long easter weekend has been absolutely fab! Awesome weather, quality time with mother and auntie, loads of studying done and peaceful quietness at the summerhouse.




I also won on bingo!


And then there was the excitement of going home, not actually going home but for the first time since I moved south in 2007 the train was set to leave from platform 2!


All previous times both arrival and departure have been from platform 1 thus the photo. However, I should have known better, me and trains! When the train arrived it neatly pulled up at platform one as usual. This is where it would have been nice if the platforms were in the middle with a track on each side. This isn’t the case, instead there is a rather high walking bridge over the tracks with winding stairs on both sides. If it wasn’t for the fact that o had, with the help of mother, to pick up all my stuff and run I would have taken a picture. With that start to the trip though the rest went smoothly and I arrived home without issue. Unfortunately it means back to the everyday life of work and studying.

How was your easter?

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