Posted in Life In General

A looooong day

I’ve been visiting Gotham this weekend, and since spending a Sunday eve on a train only to come home to an empty appartment is kind of depressing, I prefer the Monday morning train. Except for when the alarm goes of at 05:30 am…and today I didn’t manage to fall back to sleep when I sat down. So, after breakfast I started up the work PC and got at it.

Sometimes there is brekkie

Almost in chock when the train arrived in Malmö on time I headed over to work and did work stuff, you know those things you do at work; drink coffee, go for lunch, chat with those you work with, and oh! I think I saw an Excelsheet. And since I came from Gotham I couldn’t bring lunch, thus I had to go buy some…

After work I had plans to attend a seminar held by a person that I really want to hear what they have to say. I just suck at planning since getting up at 5:30am, train and work doesn’t bode well for 5:30pm plans, so I flagged it.

Then I realized that one of the reason why I like staying at my mums place is because she doesn’t have problems with the heating. Last night, I left the balcony door open for a few minutes while enjoying the fresh air, here I sit with my winter slippers on as well as a blankie because it’s freezing…!!!

Yup, it’s cold..

What better way to end a day like this than with frozen pizza on the couch in front of the telly watching crappy TV? None, my friends! See you all again tomorrow…right?!?

Total quality!!

Posted in Uncategorized

#16 2018 Early bird

Went for a big shop after work yesterday so now the fridge is full and there’s some real nice chili in the freezer.

That didn’t add to the joy of a super early morning.

Sitting on a train for a plane with my small coffee doing my best to not fall back asleep.

According to the app my flight is one minute delayed, as I really find that pushing it they better hope that there’s no additional delay!!

Wait, did I mention that I accidentally have FastTrack and lounge this morning, I guess a few extra minutes won’t hurt…

Posted in Life In General

#11 2018 One of THOSE days

Not much went my way today.

I didn’t get out of bed when I wanted to, even though the running is on and the mood is getting better, I’m still having troubles going to bed (no problem sleeping once I get there though). That creates problems in my scheduling as I naively think that tomorrow is the day…so I had to flag the running session I had planned.

So the morning rushed past, still managed my homemade smoothie though, at the home office before a visit to the ladies doctor (not my favourite, not as bad as the dentist but totally up there with things I don’t enjoy) who did her thing then promptly informed me that she’s about to retire. As I’m quite fond of the lady (even though she’s a ladies doctor) I didn’t take the news too well.


Then it was back home to pick up the stuff that I totally (not) packed last night before heading in to the office, where I promptly enjoyed my fantastic lunch.


The positive thing is that work is finally picking up again, the less positive is the Monday deadline that suddenly appeared. With a half-day planned tomorrow, that’s going to be interesting as the afternoon swished by.

Before finally sinking down in a comfy train seat I needed to pick up some more food and headed to Subway where I ended up behind the kind of people who stand in line for ever and still don’t know what they want when it’s their turn. Absolutely fantastic as my departure time got closer and closer.


I should’ve known there where no rush as there was no train once I hit the platform. And then there was no train, and no train. Well, after about 20 minutes the train arrived and we were allowed on. Delayed train on single track stretches are the death of me since you constantly end up behind slower trains…slooooow trains.

We finally arrived to Gotham about 51 minutes later than the original arrival time, with delays like that I rather it be a full hour, since then you at least get some money back on the ticket.

That delay also killed all hopes about a late nite run, as it was just too late and I was too tired. So I’ve just spent the rest of the night on mother dearest couch in front of the telly, with the hope of a better tomorrow that includes a run.

Posted in 7 Things, Life In General

Oh well

Pretty much the first sentence I wrote last week was for me to remember it’s not a sprint but more like a marathon.

I didn’t manage to eat the frog yesterday, or post something on the blog. Since 2010 and what went down then, a story I should probably share at some point, a small thing like yesterday and not reaching my goal for the day will pull me down completely.

To add to that I’m also on the last week of the magical chart of pills and that totally affect my mood. Still, I posted my positive thought of the day;

And even if I didn’t eat the frog I still brought my coffee as well as I did my job. I tried to be social in the evening, it just didn’t work and my couch once again became my best friend.

Today was a lovely morning, still sticking to the bring along coffee.

Had my positive thought.

And obviously updating the blog. And by the way, I also ate that damn frog today!!

In a couple of hours I’ll be at my mum’s, having the day off work tomorrow to accompany my grandmother to her little brothers funeral. I see it as quality time with grandma and mother dearest, what else can I do?

Posted in 7 Things, 7 Things to feel better, Life In General

Day 1 of da 7ns

I started with a bang and a whoop whoop, like always when I start something new. I always have to remind myself that it’s more like a marathon rather than a sprint and I should pace myself in the beginning.

That being said, I jumped out of bed when the first of three alarms went of. Poured my coffee as I remembered to get it ready last night, packed and made my train with 5 minutes to spare.

What I don’t get is how I manage to pack the same amount of stuff for a day as when I pack for a week…

The only damper on my parade is that I have to finish the coffee before the security check, damn i miss the old days sometimes.

Posted in Birthday Season

Birthday season part 2

A friend I got to know while studying philosophy in Lund, has now moved to Gotham and as she couldn’t make it to the birthday dinner I dragged her with for hockey on Thursday.

A game that I almost missed because some genius decided that calling the police saying there’s a bomb on a train was a good idea. Seriously, trainjinx deluxe as my friend said.

Well, I made it and I even remembered my hockey jersey, no picture, and Sweden won of the Czech with 5 to 2. Score!!!

Posted in Trains

Guess where I am! 

Well, I’m starting this week doing one of my favorite things, or at least one of the things I spend loads of time doing; hanging on a train.

I’ve just finished breakfast and will now enjoy doing nothing as I’m currently not working from home. 

I’m on the big plus side when it comes to hours worked so for the rest of my trip I’ll enjoy the company of these.

Happy Monday ma peeps 🙂

Posted in Sweden, Work

Trainjinx turned planejinx 

For years now I’ve been having trouble with the trains, anything and everything than can go wrong have a tendency to do so when I’m around. Also this morning and I was only taking the train two stops.

It started with troubles with the ticketing machine, and as I came down to the track there was a train standing there. That train was due to leave 20 minutes before mine, and when that happens you get on and go because you don’t know when the next one is leaving. Thus, I was a little bit early to my destination as I would’ve been anyhow because I always take a train earlier than needed for important dates. So I had some time to do nothing.

I was waiting for my boss to pick me up for a drive to the Malmö airport, and I think it’s safe to say that I still haven’t been on a flight that left on time from that place, at least not that I can remember.

That meant that we had time for a coffee, and I hope SAS forgives my boss for smuggling some out of the lounge.

After a not too long wait we got on our flight and they where nice enough to keep our connection in the Capitol so that we could make our destination on time 🙂 

Good thing there as I had a pretty cool Monday.

Posted in Quality of Life

Quality time with the fav Latte Mum

Me and Latte mum are no longer practically neighbours, it’s been a while since she deserted me for suburbia. Still, we try to meet up regularly to eat sushi and just hang.

This time it was for me to travel to Lund where we started with dinner, fantastic and fun sushi at Bonsai Sushi bar, totally worth a visit if you are in the neighborhood.


We then accidentally stuck our nose in a bookstore and I managed to spend the last bit of a gift card that’s been in my wallet for I don’t know how long.

Walking and talking took us past the new students that are running around town doing silly things.


Lund City park, a place that I have managed not to visit even though I spent a few years studying in this city, was full of students and Pokemon chasers this eve. Also a bird that seemed to be working on escaping its confinement.


Walking back towards the station we walked past this quaint little place, I would love to go and sit down there at some point. Looks like a chill place and a part of the magic with Lund, you never really know what to find but you know it’s full of interesting palaces.


All good things have to come to an end and so did this evening. All talked and walked out I sat down on the train that would return me home.


Thanks ma Latte Mum for another fab evening, let’s do it again soon 🙂

Posted in Sweden, Trains

Home sweet home

This morning was super depressing, not only up early but also up to real shit weather. A nice brekkie does help, a little bit, a tiny bit.

Work was fantastic as well…best part of the day was to sit down on the train towards home and then arriving home 🙂 while I was away the magic cleaning fairy and the magic food fairy visited my home. 

My biggest problem this evening was to choose which dish out of the magic box that I was to cook for dinner. I ended up with fried rice – yum.

Now, really looking forward to my own bed and a little bit of a sleep in tomorrow. 

Posted in Family

All set!

Don’t ask me what happened to the past couple of weeks since the last post, not sure where they went.

After a 8am alarm on a Saturday morning I’m now comfortable seated on a train towards the Capitol where a large part of my family will be. It’s birthday celebration time!

It’s a five hour trip so I figured I needed stuff to read, I might have gone a tad bit overboard on that front.

I’ll now enjoy my expensive kiosk brekkie, had plans on making my own to bring its just that 8am on a Saturday, and dig into the reading – just don’t know where to start.

Posted in Essen 2016

A tradition has been created

After another sleep-in (seem both me and my friend was much in need for sleep) we had a quiet brekkie at home.


We then headed out for a walk and something I learnt all about while visiting Essen last year, Spaghetti Eise. It’s ice-cream with food names that taste totally fab. We eat it in a really beautiful area of Essen, so it’s not only the ice-cream we are after it’s the scenery as well.

This time around we followed the advise of my friends dad and visited a church in the area;

And as I have been in almost every church since my dad passed away, I lit a candle. The poor very much non religious dad must be turning in his grave, as it’s also churches of all different faiths. That’s what you get for dying! (note that I only lit one of them)


After beautiful nature we stuck with being cultural and visited an art museum. The museum is free on Sundays, however it wasn’t appreciated that we walked in through the back door anyhow. I think that maybe they shouldn’t leave the doors open then…but that just me.


As usual with museums there are nice paintings and then there are the weird paintings that make you question who decides what’s art and what’s not. One painting was just a canvas painted black (????).

They did have a pretty cool section on Asian posters, where I found these two. They make a very valid point;

After being all arty serious we stopped for dinner, and I must say that Essen provides a very wide selection of yum food to decent prices. I stopped counting the times where I’m sure that they must have missed something on my tab.


After dinner it was already time to head to the airport, and of course my flight was delayed. At least my gate was located right next to the smoking lounge (dear Camel, any advertising money is more than welcome in my bank account) and I had a good book to read.


Even with the delay we arrived in Copenhagen on time, still I missed my train with a couple of seconds only. Travel isn’t really for me, is it? At least it seem like the Swedish police have decided that scary refugees don’t arrive late Sunday night so we were spared the passport control on the Swedish side so the trip wasn’t to painful.

As much as I like travelling, it’s nice to not have any plans for doing more so in a while.

Peace out ma peeps.

Posted in Sweden

After Monday there is Tuesday…

One would think that after a Monday like this one would benefit from a quieter more relaxed Tuesday, but no! The alarm was set for 5:30 am so that I could pack and get ready for a 6:48 train (still think than anything before 8am is still night). Pretty impressed with myself for making it to the station with time to buy breakfast.


I feel like I’m pushing my luck with three train trips in one week, the trainjinx is bound to kick in and as this mornings ride went without a hitch I guess is the ride home tomorrow. However, when work calls you answer…or something like that.

After a busy day in the office, where I wasn’t allowed to take any pictures we headed to our hotel for check-in and found Fika in the lobby. If you don’t know what Fika is I suggest you Google it. I only took a picture of the first round…there was three in total.


After sitting around for a bit, enjoying the cakes we changed into our running gear for an afternoon run. Sadly enough I was the one insisting on going for a run because I missed out on a medal opportunity this evening.


Running is easier when there is a reward at the end, and today that reward was hot water in a beautiful view.


Then the great finale, dinner! The perfect way of ending a very, very, very long day! Fantastic dinner.

Tomorrow will also begin earlier than usual, however with a day like this I do not doubt that crashing will happen early and sleep will be deep. Peace out ma peeps!

Posted in Always look at the bright side of life

Monday, crazy Monday

Sometimes when I plan my life, I don’t think it through properly, like this Monday. Just the fact that I got up at 06:45 to catch the train home make it crazy as my alarm usually is set for 8:00 am. Then I for some reason keep thinking that the train will arrive on time, it’s very naive of me as SJ that run the trains suck at being on time. It also doesn’t help that I managed to lose the key for my bike sometime between Thursday afternoon and Friday morning.

Lucky me the best neighbor on the planet became my hero once again as she let me borrow her bike so I could make a quick getaway when finally arriving home needing to be at my old job (still working there two days a week during the month of May) for a few hours. From there I then made my way to a meeting including a fantastic lunch.

After the meeting I then headed over to my new job, where I was supposed to meet with one of my colleagues. If Samsung phones didn’t have the worst battery time ever I would’ve known that he had changed the time for the meeting and there was no need for me to be there at all! Thanks Samsung!

After flying around the city all day I headed home as my new Mr Grumpy said he had the tools to sort out the lock of my bike…he didn’t! Nice to know that my new friends are very bad bike thief’s!


Even if the couch and the telly would’ve been nice at this point, I had managed even some more plans. A lecture, food and movie night with Lady T. The lecture was boring, the food was good and the movie I only managed to see thirty minutes of due to bladder problems (TMI?). It was still nice to catch up with her.